‘Congratulation your having a boy’ ‘’oh no wait’’ Is gender disappointment a thing?

It’s fair to say I’ve been on emotional roller coaster when it comes to the gender of our unborn baby. Even now I don’t fully believe we are having a girl. I have a boys outfit to take to the hospital just incase, because I wouldn’t put money on her coming out as a girl. How could I possibly feel that confident with the whole world wind we experienced.

So what actually happened? I’ve had so many questions and confusion over our scenario. Well I promise you no one has felt more confused as us- me especially.

If you know me you will know I am the most girliest person. Bows, glitter and pinks is what my life has consisted off since I was little. I’m not ashamed of saying (and I always have said it) if I could choose the genders of my children my first would be a boy, then follows a girl. I like the idea of having the older brother to protect the little sister, just like I had with my brother. So when we found out Finn was a boy my hopes were going swimmingly! This was how (in my head) it was meant to be going, a little part of me did hope he would be a girl, just so then I definitely knew I would have a girl at some point in this life (am I sounding absolutely insane? Or Is this relatable?!).

In this pregnancy I discovered gender blood tests. The way these work are they look for the male DNA chromosomes in your blood. As you and your baby share blood if the male chromosome could be found in your blood sample you were having a boy, if it couldn’t you were having a girl, sounds pretty simple doesn’t it. These blood tests are said to be more accurate than ultrasounds. So at 8 weeks I took a blood test home kit. This involved a finger prick I did myself and squeezing my blood into a test tube. NOT EASY. But I managed it. The results were meant to arrive in 3 days. We had a gender reveal party planned 5 days after I posted them off. Typically, they didn’t arrive on time, and their were no results for our gender reveal, though we still had a good 27th birthday party for Ash which is what we turned it into 🤣. Even more typically as soon as the last guest left at half 11 and I climbed into bed at 12 I received an email. The result had come through. I woke Ash up and said ‘Ash the results are here’ his response was ‘well go on then’. But I was so nervous to open the email I felt pressure of the perfect scenario I had built in my head for all these years (obviously not perfect just what I had led myself to believe was) and of course pressure from everyone else because at this point everyone knew I would have loved a girl. I stared at the screen for a minute and bright blue text appeared ‘congratulations your having a boy!’ I was absolutely stunned. I didn’t have any emotion at this I just stared at my phone. Ash had a super manley response like ‘ah that’s lovely, right I’m off back to bed’ 🤣 whilst I laid awake for a good couple of hours rearranging my life in my head being a mum of two boys.

The next day I took myself off to the Next sale and spent over £80 on boys clothing to help with the excitement and try make it seem more realistic.

Sharing our news I couldn’t tell you the amount of people that began with ‘ah are you happy it’s a boy?’ ‘Are you sad it’s not a girl?’ ‘Did you want one each?’

From this experience I know for sure I will never ask any of these disheartening questions.

My generic response went something along the lines of ‘Of course it would have been nice to have one each, but I can’t wait to be mum of boys’. That was all truthful, I was excited to have two boys, I was excited to see if they looked the same. Acted the same. If they would grow up best friends, over time the idea became a much more normal thought. I had another blood test by a different company that also confirmed boy. I was looking at matching outfits for my boys and we even had a name chosen. A couple of weeks later I was offered a blood test from a different company to discover them gender, this time I went to a clinic and they drew the blood, I thought sure why not, and low and behold it came back boy.

I went to a 15 week scan not to check the gender, as I already knew it (I thought) I had had two 99 point whatever percent accurate blood tests confirm boy. The thought didn’t even come to my head it wasn’t going to be a boy, if it had I certainly wouldn’t have spent so much time and effort on a gender reveal shoot 🤪

I laid on the bed and was asked if I wanted the gender checking. I said ‘well you can do, though I already know’ we all had a long hard look at the screen (and me thinking oh this boys shyer than Finns scan still not thinking anything other than that). She said ‘yes I’m really confident, you are having a little girl arnt you?’


To be continued..

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